Frostey's Mind Reincarnated

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

So long!

I finally got my old blog back!(Link)
Anyway, I am working on a short story!
Sorry, but that's all.
-Eben "Frostey"

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Dag - Darn Snow.

Hello again. We had a terrible day of snow yesterday. The wind was violent as a tiger! It was rain, then snow, then, hail, then snow again!! It was terrible!! Makes me think that global warming should be called, "Glacier Melting," or somthing.
When I come to think of it, every thing is a close shave; what if when I was crossing the street, that person in the Sports Utility Vehicle that lets me cross the street, actually backed up on me? What if I I was so scared of blogging, like before I started this blog, I didn't start this blog? What if Richard M. Nixon didn't resign from office?
Another bad person AIM'd me. His screen name was somthing like, "hotbabemaster188 [note: don't IM this guy]," or somthing. All he typed was, "[cencored adjective]." That's it, only one word, I didn't repond, I just blocked him.
See you, Eben "Frostey"

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

This dream...

I had this dream the night before last night where me, my sister Leah, and her best friend were watching the tele (well, I was watching them watching the television) in the basement. The two girls were jumping on the couch in my dream and pointing laser pens all over the place until one of the pen lasers hit the tele screen. Now, I'm not saying that they do things like that (which they don't), but I am getting off-topic. Anyway, when the laser hit the tele, the screen went black, and then this song started playing the tune of the song, "The Bus Goes Round, Round" (oh, pardon, I mean, "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round") that was like:
"If you have a laser in your eye call 911, 911, 911
If you have a laser in your eye call 911..."
Sorry, I forgot the rest.
Okey, bye.
-Eben "Frostey"

On the word, "cool."

Hello. I just read some Comic Fantasy...again.
My least favorite adjective is the word, "cool." It sounds too mainstream. I would feel like the word, "cool," would come from the mouth of a child that doesn't like trying new things, plays video games when he can, likes violence, dis-likes education, hates tea, and hates other countries; I'm not any of those any more. I use the word, "interesting," instead of the word, "(I didn't want to type it again)." The word, "interesting, in my opinion, sounds like it would sound like it would come out of the mouth of a person that likes to try new things, doesn't play video games, likes tea, likes education, likes other countries; that's me.
Okey, see you!
-Eben "Frostey"