I had this dream the night before last night where me, my sister Leah, and her best friend were watching the tele (well, I was watching them watching the television) in the basement. The two girls were jumping on the couch in my dream and pointing laser pens all over the place until one of the pen lasers hit the tele screen. Now, I'm not saying that they do things like that (which they don't), but I am getting off-topic. Anyway, when the laser hit the tele, the screen went black, and then this song started playing the tune of the song, "The Bus Goes Round, Round" (oh, pardon, I mean, "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round") that was like: "If you have a laser in your eye call 911, 911, 911
If you have a laser in your eye call 911..."
Sorry, I forgot the rest.
Okey, bye.
-Eben "Frostey"
the lasers we can buy (easily) are 3 milliwatts or less. That is to protect us from using lasers that might hurt eyes.
I like the idea of a tele that responds to things a lot
Anonymous, at 5:02 AM
the lasers we can buy (easily) are 3 milliwatts or less. That is to protect us from using lasers that might hurt eyes.
I like the idea of a tele that responds to things a lot
Anonymous, at 5:02 AM
the lasers we can buy (easily) are 3 milliwatts or less. That is to protect us from using lasers that might hurt eyes.
I like the idea of a tele that responds to things a lot
Anonymous, at 5:02 AM
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