Frostey's Mind Reincarnated

Friday, February 25, 2005

Good Morning, I am very tired, I just read some of that Space Wreck 6 book. This vacation is alright...needs more spices, though (oh, I am tired).
I love photography, there's nothing I like more than a picture of an inanimate object with a huge shadow from sunset. Photography makes me think of Terry Gilliam, how he always uses photos in his animations. A digital camera is what I'd like to bring with me in other places more. For some reason, the word, "photography," makes me think of sitting at a coffe table and reading a book, or using a laptop, I dunno.
Anyway, I have to deal with some serious diarrea. Here's a picture while I'm not here(link).
Good time.
-Eben "Frostey"

Friday, February 18, 2005

First post.

Hello. I'm a student named Eben "Frostey" that likes to read books and make flash movies. I have started this blog because I accidentally destroyed my old one; dang Blogger. Anyway, besides this post, my next few posts are probobly going to be some crappy reincarnations of my old blog posts. Enjoy.

-Eben "Frostey"

Saturday, February 12, 2005

On Trends

Hello, I was just reading some Comic Fantasy again.
I don't think of E=mc2 as an equation that makes people look smart; people should understand that the whole equation (Energy(E) within somthing is Equal(=) to the Mass(M) of things times the speed of light(C) times itself(2)) is more of a thing to say. I don't like it when an opinion or fact is turned into a phrase and then into a phrase used everywhere; I don't like trends, either; I feel silly whenever I'm joining in a certain thing that many other people with me are joining (i.e. trying to get away with things). My least favorite trends ever are wanting to fight back, thinking calliing someone a "gay guy" is an insult, and eating meat. Speaking of which, I became a full vegitarian! Take who get all their food from KFC and MacDonolds but feel sorry for the animals!
You know, some guy IM'd me the other day and asked, "Who are you?" as if he knew me; I didn't repond to that question but asked, how did you get this IM?" After that he typed, "Shut the [Cencored] up..........Fairy [this is not the actual word he used, but he used a swear] ," and then logged off. There are some things I can guess from that guy:

  1. He is against gay Marraige
  2. He watches violent Flash cartoons all day
  3. He is a Republican and...
  4. ...Likes George W. Bush
  5. His thoughts on video games: "I can't live without them."
  6. He eats meat
  7. He is a U.S. of American ("..and proud of it!")
  8. Even more stuff.
If I remembered his screen name, I would have to begin this force called, "The Anti-[that IMer's SN] Force;" but I think that would be silly.

Alright, before I end this post, I would like to annouce that I created a new menu for my Flash movies, here's the link: here.

Alright, Da sveedaneeya!
-Eben "Frostey"