December 24, 2004
Auch. ****. Yesterday, I gone to a Birthday party of mine before I continued doing my work. Over there, I got boozed up and elves started spraying shaving cream in my face and then landed in a bowl of confetti. Darn ****. Atfter my 78th confetti/shaving cream spray, I thought to meself, Should I take a shower.....?.....NAA-AA-AAH! I think that was a very bad decision, though actually though actually tough; in the sence that I won't be able to take a shower today. Dag-********-Nammit. So here I am; haven't showered yet because the shower is not functioning on ******* friday.
You may wonder why I am I not using my own blog for this. I am not using my own account because I don't have one. So, I typed in a random SN at the login and then typed in a random password. So here I am. No I didn't get permission from the guy who calls himself on his SN, "frostey23". I thought I could get away with it.
Anyways, I found this Chistmas Movie made by maybe a very naughty boy. I knew I'd be a bad idea to wait and wait for the movie to load. Freaking ****.
OK, Merry Christmas, Kwanza, 4 Kings, Chanukka, Boxing Day, and a Happy Year! Ho, ho, ho....auch.
Yours, Santa